Bullying Response Kit - Workplace Bullying In Australia, workplace bullying is a serious issue that can have profound impacts on individuals and their professional lives. It encompasses various forms of repeated mistreatment, such as verbal abuse, intimidation and exclusion, which can create a toxic work environment. It's important to know that you are not alone in facing this challenge. Australian laws and workplace policies emphasise the right to a safe and respectful workplace, offering avenues for support and action against bullying. This Response Kit has been designed to give you the tools and strategies to address and mitigate workplace bullying effectively. Remember, your wellbeing and dignity at work are paramount. Bullying is never OK. The Bullying Response Kit for Bullying in the Workplace provides step-by-step guides on identifying bullying and understanding your rights. It offers customisable templates, reporting tools, strategies, tips for maintaining your wellbeing and contact details of support services. Click the image below to download a copy today.