Welcome to our world -
a world free from bullying
We’re not there yet, but together we can make it happen. Ending bullying in Australia requires all hands on deck: it will take ALL OF US.
In our world, everyone feels safe, respected and empowered, to be themselves. Join us and let's do this!
Meet Janet Grima, Bully Zero CEO, as she explores why bullying persists in today’s complex world - and what we can do to tackle it together.
Our Story
For over a decade Bully Zero has worked tirelessly towards this vision. A world where teenagers are met with empathy and respect at school and online – not a confidence-crushing tyrant. A world where workplaces feel welcoming and joyous – not full of anguish.
Bully Zero is Australia's leading organisation delivering face to face programs on cyber safety, bullying prevention, wellbeing and resilience. Developed with experts - teachers, counsellors, social workers, psychologists, people with lived experience, and neuroscientists - our programs empower schools, community groups, sporting clubs and workplaces nationwide.
How we do it

The landscape that enables bullying to exist is constantly evolving, so we remain vigilant and innovative to deliver relevant face to face and online bullying prevention workshops and provide up to date resources for workplaces, schools and communities. We enjoy the endorsement of the Office of the eSafety Commissioner. Learn more about what we do.

Join us to shape a world free from bullying
Everyone deserves to feel safe, respected, and empowered to be themselves, and to live in a world free from bullying. Together, we can make this vision a reality. Ending bullying in Australia requires a collective, committed, and consistent effort, because even if it doesn’t affect you directly, its impact reaches us all.
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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work and live, and we recognise the pain caused by years of disrespect and imbalance of power. We’re sorry for the hurt and exclusion endured by First Nations people. We commit to listen to Indigenous voices and honour their knowledge and rights. Our mission to shape a world free from bullying and to create respectful, safe spaces starts with acknowledging and learning from our history.
© Bully Zero Australia Foundation, November 2024
Donations of $2.00 or more are tax deductible in Australia provided they are made voluntarily and the donor receives no material benefit for the donation. We provide donors with official receipts for Australian tax purposes. ABN 94 160 383 406.