Garyleecious Donate I am SHAVING OFF against bullying! As a proud Ambassador for Bully Zero, I am seeking your donations to help Bully Zero roll out their lifesaving bullying education programs to vulnerable schools across Australia. Bullying can happen anywhere and is NEVER ok. Bullying starts as early as in the playground and extends even to the workplace. I have personally experienced bullying as a child and even at the workplace and it impacted me emotionally for many years. I am lucky, as in some instances, bullying has caused death. Launched in March 2013 by the Prime Minister, the Hon. Julia Gillard AC, Bully Zero focuses on three pillars: 1. Education 2. Advocacy, and 3. Support They do this to create an Australia where everyone feels safe, valued and respected. Please donate to my campaign. All donations over $2 are tax deductible and every dollar counts. A donation of $10 provides life-saving education to one young person. And remember to compliment me when all the hair comes off! Gary Lee