I am personally accountable
I am responsible
I am respectful
I am kind



  • Shield that protects people from physical bullying and deflects verbal bullying
  • Teleporter on his arm allows him to shift between the online and real-world to protect people
  • The handprint is a symbol for people to place their hands on their chest to harness HIRO's power to stand up and act against bullying
  • Boots allow HIRO to run at lightning speed allowing him to reach and protect people from bullying as it can end in around 10 seconds when immediate action is taken

Harry is now known as HIRO. A 16-year-old young man who spends his days educating the community and protecting civilians from people who try to bring them down

HIRO's Story

After being a target of bullying throughout primary school, Harry decided to retaliate by bullying others first to protect himself from being bullied. It made him feel powerful and strong. Others feared him and that satisfied him. However, after witnessing his sister being bullied and the amount of hurt and pain it caused her; it made him realise that his actions were nasty and that he had lost many of his friends in the process. Harry felt lost and empty inside. He had no idea who he was or what his purpose in life was.

Opening his school locker one day, he noticed that a piece of paper had been slipped in. The note read ‘Meet me in the gym.’ Being a curious person by nature, during his lunch break, Harry walked towards the gym thinking he would physically meet someone. Entering the gym, he heard nothing but his echoing footsteps. Baffled as to why he was the only presence in the gym, he noticed an orange shield and set of clothes on a bench in the corner of the gym and started walking towards it. Placed on top of the clothes was another note. It read “It is time for you to give up your past and do good. Bring kindness to others; protect and stand up for those who have been bullied.” Feeling a sense of pride and achievement and a new purpose on life, he innocently put on his new suit, popped his feet in his new boots, held his shield and stood taller.

Harry is now known as HIRO. A16-year-old young man who spends his days educating the community and protecting civilians from people who try to bring them down. He promotes kindness and wants to partner with YOU to stand up for those who have been bullied and bring safety, respect and harmony to all lives.     

Why "HIRO?"

HIRO is a Japanese name with various meanings, including generous, tolerant and prosperous. At Bully Zero, we like to think of the four letters of HIRO's name as an acronym for Honesty, Integrity, Respect and Optimism; which are the four pillars of our leadership program “The HIRO Effect.”

Get involved on SuperHIRO Wednesday

Bully Zero is proud to be hosting SuperHIRO Wednesday - an annual fun day that involves schools, workplaces or the community wearing their favourite Superhero outfit or symbol on Wednesday 14 August 2024.

Its easy to get involved
  1. ENCOURAGE your community, school or workplace to commit to SuperHIRO Wednesday.
  2. REGISTER and let us know what you will be doing. 
  3. REMIND your household, community, school and workplace to dress up on Wednesday 14 August 2024.
  4. COLLECT donations from those who dress up on the day!
  5. DONATE what you have raised to Bully Zero.

Register for SUPERHIRO Wednesday