for that, and so much more There is this young girl I know. She has big brown eyes, hair that glistens in the sun, is always so excited to wake up on a Sunday, and there is little in life that she is afraid of - mostly just heights and having immunisations. As beautiful as it is reminiscing on her youthful innocence and love of merely just being, I have bore witness to what will be her life. And although I may not be able to turn back the hands of time to speak with her, there are some notes I would convey to her if I could. Here are only a few: You are worthy. Despite your mistakes, and the traits you will at some point think weaken you, your soul is of immeasurable value. Kindness is not always reciprocated. There are incalculable benefits to building boundaries around you where it has become that exertion outweighs return. To receive and to feel valued is food for soul. Acts of bullying are not confined to the school yard; and they sometimes, sadly, come from the people who are supposed to invariably care for you. Advocate for your beliefs if they will the good of others. Though, if you are needing to beg for time to be heard, protect your peace by walking away. Your defence will never transpire to people who are committed to misunderstanding you. Defend minorities who are unable, or do not have the means, to defend themselves. This is how you give back to the world. Ill spoken words and verbally induced ravages towards you have nothing to do with you. Sometimes narratives are created that often do not exist; and thus, you will become many different things to many different people. All of that is just noise. Take care of your mind and body. Be kind to yourself, always. One day you will make it your life’s work to change the narrative for victims - assisting survivors to not take on shame. For that, and so much more, I am ever so proud of you. LIFELINE: 13 44 14 BEYOND BLUE: 1300 224 636 HEADSPACE: 1800 650 890 KIDS HELPLINE: 1800 55 1800